Dont Rush Your Progress


For the past three weeks I have been going through writers block , it seemed like no matter what I did  I was not able to find any source of motivation to write.Yes, on many occasions there were lessons that I could have drawn from but throughout this period  nothing stayed , nothing captured my heart enough that I felt a need to blog about it and share with you guys . I remember sharing what was happening to me with my  close friend and her response was “it’s ok hun , dont rush the progress”.I took comfort to her words and went on doing my daily routine in hopes that my motivation would reappear.Then a week later,  like a gust of wind it hit me. DONT RUSH THE PROGRESS.

The skin from the snake cannot be ripped off , it will shed when it is ready .This same mentality should apply to us as humans and our individual progress.Often times we get frustrated about not being able to deliver or perform as we think we should ,for whatever reason our motivation disappears and we beat ourselves up because we aren’t performing as we think we should. I cannot speak on behalf of everyone when I say this but sometimes taking a step back is what we need in order to find yourself again. It is OK to take a break and look at yourself from the outside ,you’d be surprised how therapeutic self evaluation can be.

We live in a fast paced world ,a world where technology is trying to outsmart us. Do not get caught up in trying to make too many things happen at once.The moment you feel like you have to rush your way through is the moment you should stop and take a breather .It will come.It will happen and you will make it through.Have an attitude of a victor and not a victim.As I wrote in my Behind The Mask blog it is important to surround yourself with good people who can help you whenever you feel as if you’ve run of fuel. In life everything takes time .Growth happens everyday , we didn’t just wake up one day and turn into adults ,it took years of development, experience and our parents being patient with us.So with all that being said do not get discouraged when you bump into a road block but be patient enough to know that you ARE still progressing and anything that is growing should not be rushed.

14 thoughts on “Dont Rush Your Progress

  1. Natalie says:

    This is an awesome post. I wrote about something like this a few months back, when I had this crazy-insane to do list and kept rushing myself and pushing myself — and in the end, needed a break from writing and work to catch my breath and feel myself again. We can’t rush progress, like you said, and we shouldn’t rush our lives away. (If you’re interested, you can check out my post here: )

    Thanks so much for sharing! This is so important 🙂


  2. prinxy says:

    Lovely Post…. Bravo Anastajia. I really like the point you made in this post… “The skin from the snake cannot be ripped off , it will shed when it is ready “. Most people jump into things when they are not actually ready. They end up in frustration thinking about their failure not knowing actually well that they were not ready (well prepared for the task)….
    Cuddles Anastajia


  3. Angella says:

    Truly an enlightening post .We are only here for a short time, and as such we should take our time to breathe.keep up the good work. So proud of you!!


  4. zenbaby says:

    Anastajia – don’t forget to format your About page…it still reflects the themes description and not your blog description ;). Tell us more about why you are blogging on your About Page, please!!


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