Favim.com-beautiful-flowers-love-red-romance-romantic-76576.jpg            Tis the season of love!…. well for some of us anyway. During this season we all are hoping that we don’t end up at the end of the spectrum where there are no reds and whites but instead just having to be reminded that you’re single for yet another year.Let me just say it’s not the end of the world and even though it is nice to be smoothered by your significant other, not having one shouldn’t make a difference because there are plenty of ways to show love, besides, your singleness doesn’t define you!.This will be my first year ever being someone’s Valentine, so I’m not really versed on how to prepare for Valentine’s day while being in a relationship ( had to do a lot of thinking and PINTEREST!) but don’t worry I’ll be sure to come back with tips for next year! But for all my single ones out there I have got 6 tips on how to make your day not so lonely.

  1. Buy your best friend a Gift 

Your bestie can never have too much love, no matter if its a text or a small gift just give a little something so that she/he feels loved because they’ll be there before and after any relationship you have and through tough times.

    2.Compliment a Stranger

DO IT! a compliment can go a far way, studies actually show that when someone receives or gives a compliment it makes a person feel better  by impacting someone they don’t even know, and that random person, you give a compliment will in return give another person a compliment and that’s what creates  a chain reaction..cool right !and what better way to do it than during this season of love.

   3.Treat Yourself

Buy yourself that box of chocolate you’ve always wanted but were too busy watching your calories to get, just think of it that most people will be having a cheat day so technically its a national cheat day (for your calories ) so you’re actually not doing anything bad.

    4.God Loves You!

NO need to explain this, you should always be comforted by the fact that gods love is always with you and you don’t need a day like this to bring you down.

    5.Just act like its a regular day 

Not into the whole Valentines stuff ..no problem just go about your day as if its any other day, you’ll probably be causally hitting balloons out your way and you might even end up seeing a proposal or two but hey! it could happen on any day right.

6.Spread love to your family 

Let your family members know how much you appreciate them, no matter how annoying they are they’ll have your back no matter what so a little text or hug will go a long way.

well if nobody tells you I did ..….HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!<3


Take the Leap

” The best things in life are at the end of your comfort zone”-Karen Salmansohn 


     I don’t think a day goes by where my mind doesn’t drift off. whether it’s my future five years from now or its what outfit I have planned for tomorrow, staying in the present day is a difficult thing for me.Recently, I’ve found a way to curve it as living in the present is a vital thing, you need to capture moments, enjoy life, take in the fresh air, experience the hurdles and overcome them but most of all you have to be present for your future.

     There can be neither today without yesterday nor tomorrow without today so no matter if its one minute from now or one year from now be present for your future by working towards your destiny.The term destiny is often interrupted differently  by a lot of people ,many believe in the type of destiny that means if its meant to happen it will, my personal take on it is that everyone has a destination(the purpose for which something is destined) ; the path that you take towards it can change at any moment and often times will be rerouted but once you overcome the obstacles and keep working towards it your  destination will always remain the same .

In order for this to happen, we have to stop living in our comfort zone and be more daring. The harsh reality of this life is that no one is going to spoon feed you and give you the blueprints of how it is done.There are guidelines that can help you but ultimately the decision is yours .whatever you want in life you have to GO FOR IT, it won’t be easy but it will definitely be worth it when you see all your hard work come to fruition.

Happy Sunday guys !!