Favim.com-beautiful-flowers-love-red-romance-romantic-76576.jpg            Tis the season of love!…. well for some of us anyway. During this season we all are hoping that we don’t end up at the end of the spectrum where there are no reds and whites but instead just having to be reminded that you’re single for yet another year.Let me just say it’s not the end of the world and even though it is nice to be smoothered by your significant other, not having one shouldn’t make a difference because there are plenty of ways to show love, besides, your singleness doesn’t define you!.This will be my first year ever being someone’s Valentine, so I’m not really versed on how to prepare for Valentine’s day while being in a relationship ( had to do a lot of thinking and PINTEREST!) but don’t worry I’ll be sure to come back with tips for next year! But for all my single ones out there I have got 6 tips on how to make your day not so lonely.

  1. Buy your best friend a Gift 

Your bestie can never have too much love, no matter if its a text or a small gift just give a little something so that she/he feels loved because they’ll be there before and after any relationship you have and through tough times.

    2.Compliment a Stranger

DO IT! a compliment can go a far way, studies actually show that when someone receives or gives a compliment it makes a person feel better  by impacting someone they don’t even know, and that random person, you give a compliment will in return give another person a compliment and that’s what creates  a chain reaction..cool right !and what better way to do it than during this season of love.

   3.Treat Yourself

Buy yourself that box of chocolate you’ve always wanted but were too busy watching your calories to get, just think of it that most people will be having a cheat day so technically its a national cheat day (for your calories ) so you’re actually not doing anything bad.

    4.God Loves You!

NO need to explain this, you should always be comforted by the fact that gods love is always with you and you don’t need a day like this to bring you down.

    5.Just act like its a regular day 

Not into the whole Valentines stuff ..no problem just go about your day as if its any other day, you’ll probably be causally hitting balloons out your way and you might even end up seeing a proposal or two but hey! it could happen on any day right.

6.Spread love to your family 

Let your family members know how much you appreciate them, no matter how annoying they are they’ll have your back no matter what so a little text or hug will go a long way.

well if nobody tells you I did ..….HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!<3


Beneath The Surface


The way we present ourselves, argue points, reason and internalize our everyday situations say a lot about us.Are you viewing the world in Black and White? or are you discovering the subliminal messages that are right in front of you?Some are cleverly placed and some can be spotted with the bat of an eye.

The world we live in today is very misleading.Fake is the new trend as it relates to everything: promises, personalities, pictures and let’s not forget the biggest one of them all PEOPLE.Social media is a major factor, fooled by the biggest advocate I would say that aids in this problem.However, before this turns into a rant let me get back on track. As individuals living in the 21st century, I urge you fooled by merely what is presented to you .Go beyond appearances and try to perceive the true nature of something or someone.

In no way am  I saying that you should spend each and everyday analyzing and overthinking every situation, but rather be more open minded and understand the fact that everything is not always as  it seems. Enlarge your perspective and realize that the way we think and understand is ultimately what crafts our lives.

In the Lonely Hour…

lonelySixty minutes, three thousand  six hundred seconds and three million six hundred thousand milliseconds equal one hour.They say when having fun time flies by , things take a drastic turn when you aren’t huh?That one hour can seem like days.We may find this hard to admit but for many of us whenever we are lonely we tend to go back to things that mean us no good .Stuff that we left behind for a reason , suddenly become desirable.So for those few hours or days ,however long your lonely streak lasts for we find ourselves being comforted by people or things that were meant to be dished out a long time ago .Then when your life regains that flame you do either one of two things , you either forget about what you had been doing to consume your time or that old habit becomes an active part in your life again.Well whichever option you choose , your wrong.

Never go back to something you left for a reason , I know it may be hard at times but the mere fact that you let go of it meant that it wasn’t as valuable as you thought it was  .Hold up! many of us may argue and say If you love something let it go and if it comes back its yours forever yea I agree with that but the saying says you should let whatever it is come back to YOU you shouldn’t be the one seeking what you already left.Change is born from dissatisfaction.Growth is limitless , being alone and actually sitting with our thoughts can lead to realizations that are very rare in our everyday busy lives.

Embrace your lonely hour .Stop letting just anyone in for comfort ,allowing people  to be in our lives once more with hope that their intentions are pure .Don’t worry about why your not Facebook or Instagram famous , or why no one is reaching out to you.Just be you. DO NOT SETTLE.